Getting Started - Ubuntu
Ticaga requires the latest version of PHP, this is because we pride ourselves on being up-to date...
Update the server and install Apache
So let's update the server and ensure everything is ready for us to continue. sudo apt update -y...
Install PHP
Let's install PHP: sudo apt install php8.3 php8.3-cli php8.3-{bz2,curl,mbstring,intl,fpm,gd,mysq...
Install Database
To use Ticaga we need a database, we recommend MYSQL, to install MySQL just run the following: s...
Virtual Host
Now we need to create the virtual host file to show Ticaga to the world. Let's create the ticaga...
Let's Encrypt SSL
Now we need to install Let's Encrypt, this is a way to get a free SSL Certificate for our Ticaga ...
Ioncube loaders
Firstly we need to install unzip: sudo apt-get install unzip -y We'll need that for Ticaga late...
Add new user for SSH
Laravel doesn't like it when you run it in root, this is for security purposes. We agree with the...
Install Composer
Let's install Composer, this allows us to install all the amazing vendor files to use Ticaga: cu...
Install Ticaga
Let's log into the new user we created earlier: su ticaga Let's give our www folder the correct...
Create an Agent
Now you've got your Ticaga up and running go to your installation: eg: ...